The Grazer and Café Society breakfast special

Morning Delight at The Grazer!

Kickstart your morning with a lavish homemade breakfast menu from The Grazer. Whipped up with organic and clean ingredients, this hearty and unlimited breakfast experience is a paradise for breakfast lovers looking to nourish their souls and add pep to their day. Whether you’re seated inside or enjoying their spacious outdoor seating, you can have breakfast and delight in the intimacy of family time while savouring the finest delicacies, such as The Grazer’s signature French Toast and Eggs Benedict or the Truffle Fried Poached Eggs, Shakshuka, Homey Vegan Pancake, Avocado on Toast, and Organic Homey Crepes.

Date & Time: Daily | 8 am to 11:30 pm

Price: As per order

Location: Downtown, Dubai

Breakfast Delights

To Start Your Mornings Right

Start your day with a tempting spread of breakfast dishes at Café Society, a stellar spot boasting a spectacular menu with a variety of breakfast classics for every taste and preference. For those looking for a savoury start to their day, try the signature Eggs Benedict, the hearty Mexican Burrito or a Fresh Crab Salad on a Bagel. If you’re looking for something sweet, tuck into the Toasted French Brioche, Breakfast Waffle and Crêpes or dig into a fluffy Blueberry Banana Pancake and more. The health enthusiasts are also in for a treat with scrumptious dishes such as the Café Society’s Healthy Breakfast, Tostada de Avocado, a cooling Raspberry Chia Glass and Eggs Volcano Muffin Bread.

Date and Time: Daily | 9 AM to 11 AM

Price: Subjective to order

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